
The blog on the domain vsanjay.com is solely run by me – Sanjay Varanasi, and all content generated on this website comes from me and belongs to me, unless otherwise quoted, linked or specified. All such content solely represents my opinions, thoughts or views on the subject matter and I do not represent any organization or such, whatsoever.

The country I’m a citizen of, and the country where the website is hosted are democratic countries with freedom of speech. I have, therefore, expressed my opinion on the state of affairs, events and incidents, and other topics,  with an intent to only convert my thoughts and ideas into words and information. Content on this website is readable for all. I shall not be held responsible for breaching any rules of countries that may follow a different law, and/or where my opinions might not necessarily be agreed upon. Readers must follow local law and must be held responsible for their activity on this website. I will not be held liable for comments and activity by readers that may break the law (or malign a group or individual) of any country.

I provide no guarantee about the validity, authenticity, completeness or the correctness of any of such content and shall not be held responsible for errors or missing information and of damages, injuries, or loss arising out of the display or use of information on this website.

I do not intend to either defame, malign or target any group, club, organization, religion, race, party or individual. I’m a non-native speaker of English and my content may occasionaly contain errors – grammatical and connotational and I shall not be held liable for intrepretation arising out of such errors.

I have made sure that work originating from others is properly quoted, linked or authors clearly specified. In case an error is made in this regard, I shall correct the offending content upon notice. It is also made sure that files put up for download on this website are legally distributable and/or put up with proper permission from the creator(s) of those files..